January 21, 2009

Inauguration 2009 - Pray That God Talks to the President

As we have just watched history unfold with the swearing in of the 44th President of the United States, this article sums up our prayers -- that God talks to the new President in all his decision making for the future of the United States. Here's the article:

by Aimee Herd/Op-ed : Jan 20, 2009 : Breaking Christian News

"…this moment—unprecedented in our nation's history—goes far above personal views…"

All through last year's Presidential campaign—on both sides of the spectrum—feelings ran deep. And I daresay those passionate opinions have not abated much as President-elect Obama's Inauguration approaches.

President-elect Obama on SundayBut, as I watched Obama's speech this weekend, with the backdrop of the Lincoln Memorial, it struck me that this moment—unprecedented in our nation's history—goes so far above personal views… (Photo: CBN News)

For me, and hopefully for many, the event of Barack Obama's Presidential Inauguration transcends political party and leaning… it is about healing. And the days after it; about prayer.

I realize, being white, that I cannot fully grasp the extraordinarily historical moment—when Obama is sworn in as the first black President of the United States—as one of my black fellow-citizens will. Nor will I experience, to that extent, the incredible achievement they must feel in their hearts.

But its significance is not lost on me. Whether or not I voted for President-elect Obama is not the issue, because the attitude at which this country has finally arrived, in being willing to elect a black man to its highest office, has been far too long in coming. It makes me feel very grateful to my parents for raising me with a true respect for all people regardless of color, religion or nationality, which is just Biblical common sense!

And so I ask, both those who voted for Obama and those who didn't, can we—if just for a day—lay down the political debate? Can we look beyond the labels of Republican, Democrat or Independent? Can we be joyful that America, on its highest level, is at long last breaking through an ugly barrier of ignorance and hate, and much like the day those cold cement chunks of wall fell in Berlin; hands kept apart are now joining together?

I hope each one of us, regardless of political persuasion, will pray for the continued protection of this man who has not let the prejudices of some keep him from pressing on to fulfill this calling in which he believes. Let's pray for protection for him and for his family.

As Christians, we are called to pray for those in office—no matter who they are. So let us pray in the days ahead for God's direction for this new President, as he leads this country we so love.

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