June 13, 2009

God Talks to the Prophets

Today's word is from one accurate prophet, Kim Clement. We realize, sometimes too late, that when God talks to the prophets, sometimes we don't fully understand what He is saying. As Kim reveals his accuracy months, and sometimes years after a word is given, rejoice in your new found understanding of what God had to say to you. Be encouraged as you

"Prepare Yourself For the Outpouring that Has Been Prophesied By the Prophets of the Centuries"

Prophesied on May 22, 2009 - San Jose, California:

Kim ClementThe Spirit of the Lord says, "You have seen a dark cloud, you have seen a dark cloud and you have said, 'alas, why do we have this dark cloud, this foreboding cloud over us?'" But the Spirit of the Lord says, "Do you understand that a dark cloud simply means there will be an outpouring of a rain that shall come?"

And some of you have said, "This dark cloud that is over us is hiding the sun." But the Spirit says, "It is just for a season and yet the sun shall shine again, but that dark cloud is carrying an outpouring of rain that you have never experienced." The Spirit of God says, "Look, for you have said, 'Why is this cloud over us?' Stop asking Me."

A Prophetic Revival Has Begun

For God said, "Prepare yourself for the outpouring that has been prophesied by the prophets of the centuries. You are standing at the right place at the right time, for the right reason at the right season. You're in the perfect place," says the Lord.

There's a mantle all over this place; there's a mantle that God is casting. There is a mantle that God is casting just like He did when Elijah came to Elisha. He was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen and he was with the twelfth. You have come to the twelfth yoke of oxen.

And the Spirit says, "Would you say these words in the presence of an economic crisis; would you say these words when men are hearing the sounds of socialism? Would you say these words?" God said, "Since when was a church that I am building dictated to by the world? Since when was your economy reckoned by media and the spirit of prognosis?

A prophetic revival has begun. A prophetic revival has begun. What does this mean? It means God is going to do absurd things. God is going to do preposterous things. God is going to do things that men have never dreamed He would do.

In actuality, God said, "These will be very real because I am about to reveal Myself in a way that I never have in the history of mankind," says the Spirit of the Living God. "Do not laugh at these words and say, 'They are jargon.' Do not laugh at these words and say, 'He is speaking gibberish.'" The Spirit of God said, "On the Day of Pentecost they thought that they were speaking gibberish, but actually the Holy Spirit was upon them."

"What I'm Going to Do is Going to Be Called Absurd, Preposterous"

We cannot think that this is a man or a personality that has come and stirred the place. I have stirred only the Spirit of God that has said, "I have opened a door that no man can shut and those who have been shaken now shall go through this door. Kingdoms have been shaken throughout the earth. Men are crying out for something more, but can they handle the absurdity of God? Can they handle the absurdity of what God can do?"

For God said, "What I'm going to do is going to be called absurd, preposterous. It shall be called ineloquent, and they shall say of this move, 'The absurdity of it causes them to be marked as clinically insane.'" But God said, "Would you understand that it is My desire for you to enter into the realm of creativity? I am creating miracles." Men have said, "Where shall they come from?" Christ took the miracle, spat into the ground, created two eyeballs and shoved them into a blind man." God said, "Men are blind."

"...A New Energy and It Shall Start in California"

"For there shall be an earthquake in California," but God said, "It shall be of a magnitude that they shall say, 'It is one of the highest ever,' and they shall say, 'How is it that men were not killed and why is it that so many lives were spared?' It shall be My sign," says the Lord.

"For out of the earth and because of this earthquake, there shall come something that shall bring a new energy and it shall start in California, and California shall not be bankrupt. It shall be the nation that shall be filled with prosperity because of what shall come from the earth," says the Lord!

God's about to do the most unusual things He's ever done!

A Door Has Opened

I saw a door opening. It was a door that had been sealed for the centuries; a door that Daniel saw, a door that Ezekiel saw. This is a door that they saw and knew that only at a certain point in time could it be opened. Now this presence that is here is for your benefit.

I am telling you as a prophet that this is a time in the history of mankind, of the Church, that men shall look back and say, "Do you remember that day in the month of May of 2009?" No, I'm not being over dramatic. I'm telling you that a door has opened. A door has opened and the serpent will try and spew out of his mouth water to create a flood.

But God said, "I will give you, My chosen, two wings which shall carry you away to a place of safety and a place of refuge. You shall not be affected by the economy, you shall not be affected by the plagues, you will not be affected by swine or bird flu or whatever flu," God says! "You shall have a divine protection and they shall say to you, 'How is it that you and your house were not affected by this? How is it that you and your business are not affected by it? How is it that you and your church were not affected by this?'"

For the Spirit of God said, "A door has opened and no man shall shut it. Therefore get ready, for this that I am going to do they shall call absurd. This that I shall do they shall say is preposterous. They shall say of this that it is not worthy of being called a move of God. They shall say that it is inappropriate, it is illogical, it is widely unreasonable."

But God said, "Tonight I poured out a mantle; I threw a mantle on you, not only you in this building, not only the youth in this nation who have strayed, but they shall come back with a vengeance."

"There is a Revelation Coming"

But God said, "As in the days of Eli, the heavens were closed. But because of the presence of Samuel, a prophetic revival, the windows opened wide. For there is a revelation coming to the Church and people shall walk in revelation knowledge and they will no longer walk in historical knowledge only, but in revelation knowledge. In other words, I the Lord will reveal Myself. I will appear Myself as I appeared to Abraham, as I appeared to Jacob. There will be appearances that shall be tangible in your homes, in your churches."

Listen now, God said, "I'm about to reveal Myself and revelation knowledge shall change the status of sin. The revelation of God shall change the status of sin," for God says, "In the presence of revelation, sin does not have the same status as it does in the absence of revelation. When Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up and His train filled the temple, God revealed Himself. The first thing that happened was that Isaiah said, 'I am a man of unclean lips,' and repentance took place.

"There shall be such a great revelation of God in these next ten years that people shall come to repentance without being urged to, without being preached to, and they shall say, 'We are people of unclean lips,' and they shall come into the Kingdom by the millions," says the Spirit of God!

God is about to reveal Himself in strange ways, they shall call it absurd, but His revelation, His appearances, Him revealing Himself shall change the status of sin in the Church. As God reveals Himself, sin shall have no power, and shall have no reign in marriages, in families, in churches. Unity shall be the order of the day.

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions

Email: hope@kimclement.com

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