February 10, 2009

End Time Visitation of God Coming - Are You Ready?

As we continue to hear God talking, this word given less than a month ago brings encouragement to the body of Christ. As Dr. Chironna states, God is "...looking for those who are young in spirit, for there is a new generation that is about to cross a line and cross a threshold and operate in a dimension.

"They will go with Me on a journey to discover earmarks that are in the Spirit – places of lodging, places of power, places of deliverance, places of blessing. For in the heavenly realms, I have stored up treasures that when they go in, they will bind the strongman and reclaim the goods that he took from My people over these past generations..."

Discover for yourself where you stand in this promised visitation of God. Prepare for a "...double portion anointing that will stagger the minds of the unregenerate and they will walk in the wisdom and in the understanding and the knowledge of the Most High God..."

Read on and be encouraged allow God to speak to you.

Mark Chironna: "There is a Great End-Time Visitation Coming - It is Almost Upon Us

Prophetic word of the Lord given by Dr. Mark Chironna on Sunday, January 25, 2009 at The Master's Touch International Church in Longwood, Florida:

When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Shows Up

When the anointing is on you, sacrifice is no big deal. When you understand the anointing, you can bring closure to a chapter in your life that's remained open for too long. When you understand the anointing and you operate in the anointing, it's not a problem to distribute your resources. And when you understand the worth of the anointing, it's not hard to follow after it and pursue it with all your heart.

God Almighty is preparing a generation for a rich legacy that is about to be passed – we are at the end of a five hundred year period. What is about to come on the Body of Christ will rival what took place in the Great Reformation. God has been restoring for the last two thousand years, well the last thousand years, to the Church what has been lost. You are the sons of the prophets. You are the seed of Abraham. Every blessing in the covenant to possess Heaven and Earth, to move in dominion, to move in increase, to move in the fullness of the Spirit – is yours.

"Holy Spirit of God, Holy Spirit of God, come right now – overshadow." Here it comes. Just let it blanket you. Just let it soak you. Position yourself. Align yourself for that greater anointing. The fullness of the Spirit, the fullness of Him who fills all in all; the anointing that breaks the yoke, not just in the meeting place but it will break the yoke in your home. It will break the yoke on your job. It will remove the curse from your destiny and from your career, from your vocation. It will remove the yoke from relationships that are draining you. It will bring deliverance.

You are an heir. You are an heir of God. You are a joint heir with Christ. That double portion, that promise of the Father, the greatness of the call, the power of resurrection – we are about to embark on a season in which there will be such great difference between the light and the dark that you will be able to know, "These are the people that walk with God."

There is a great end-time visitation coming; it is almost upon us. I can hear the sound of an abundance of rain. God Almighty is grooming a company to move in power and practicality to reach the culture and to bring increase and expansion – the provision of God, more sufficient than any natural provision could ever be; the blessing of the Lord that makes rich and adds no sorrow.

"I Am Looking for Those Who are Young in Spirit"

"For these are days," saith God, "when I am stirring up the spirit of another generation and it matters not their age; it matters the age of their spirit. For there are many who are old but young in their spirit and there are many who are young but they have become old in their spirit. I am looking for those who are young in spirit, for there is a new generation that is about to cross a line and cross a threshold and operate in a dimension.

"They will go with Me on a journey to discover earmarks that are in the Spirit – places of lodging, places of power, places of deliverance, places of blessing. For in the heavenly realms, I have stored up treasures that when they go in, they will bind the strongman and reclaim the goods that he took from My people over these past generations.

"There is coming a great shift. It is going to come globally on the Body of Christ and there is going to arise a company of people that will be delivered from their past and rescued for their future and they will operate in a double portion anointing that will stagger the minds of the unregenerate and they will walk in the wisdom and in the understanding and the knowledge of the Most High God.

"And every place they go, they will transform the environment. They will bring blessing and they will leave blessing behind them. They will cause dark places to become light. They will cause brown places and barren places to become well-watered like a garden. They will cause broken places to be healed. They will cause sick places to be made well.

"For they are the people of Jehovah and their vindication is from God. For there is coming a great vindication because of the great warfare. From the great warfare, there is coming great vindication and great blessing.

"Rejoice, for your hour is coming and is now upon you when you will begin to see the goodness of God in the land of the living," saith the Lord.

Dr. Mark J. Chironna
Mark Chironna Ministries
Email: markchironna@markchironna.com

Mark Chironna's Itinerary:

February 13, 2009 (7pm)
The Master's Touch - Raleigh
1640 N. Market Drive; Raleigh, NC
Contact: 919-871-3105

February 20, 2009 (8pm)
The Living Word Faith Center
7900 W. Fuqua Street; Houston, TX
Contact: 713-779-9673

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