March 2, 2009

The Snowplow Called Worship

Today's word is an encouraging one as we continue in what seems like the longest winter on record! Bill Yount is our speaker today, and as he says here, "...the Lord saying that the long, cold "spiritual" winter from New York to New England is beginning to break from the worship He has heard coming up from these states..."

As we hear God talking through our praise and worship, and desire to hear what He has to say confirmed in the voices of the prophets, take heart. God does hear our prayers and our worship. He is listening, and as Bill Yount tells us,

"I Saw Worship Like a Monster of a Snowplow, Plowing a King's Highway Throughout the New England States!"

"Now after the death of Joshua it came to pass, that the children of Israel asked the LORD, saying, 'Who shall go up for us against the Canaanites to fight against them?' And the LORD said, 'Judah shall go up: behold, I have delivered the land into his hand.'"—Judges 1:1,2

Judah means "praise and worship."

Bill YountRecently as I landed in Syracuse, New York, the first thing that impressed me was this huge snowplow plowing away mountains of snow off the runways at the airport. I sensed the Lord saying that the long, cold "spiritual" winter from New York to New England is beginning to break from the worship He has heard coming up from these states. He has been hearing it for a long time when it seemed to you that He wasn't even listening.

When you worship the Lord and you feel like you aren't getting anything out of it, it's because God's got it all! Worship isn't for you, it's for Him! I saw "worship" like a huge snowplow in the spirit beginning to push and plow away hindrances and mountains of obstacles, to make the way possible for the King's Highway to be laid and built from New York stretching throughout the New England States.

The resistance seemingly coming against worship, to hinder it, is not the true picture. The truth is is that worship has actually been pushing and pressing against the powers of darkness over New England and making progress, though it may seem unseen. The enemy is not pressing against worship, worship is pressing against the enemy!

Right Beneath this Moving "Monster" of a Snowplow Lies the King's Highway!

I saw this highway being laid as this snowplow of worship was moving away every hindrance. As I saw the first mile of the road being laid, I heard the Father saying to New England, "This is My highway, not yours!" I then began to see certain highway signs. The first sign going up was the "No Passing Zone." I sensed strongly that the Lord was not permitting anyone to pass anyone else on His Highway.

He said, "Don't try to get ahead of anyone else on My road to pass them by. Allow others to go ahead of you and 'yield' to them, preferring them above your church and ministry and life."

I Saw Guard Rails Going Up Along this Highway Representing Spiritual Authority

Guard rails were going up along this highway to protect people from going off the road and getting hurt. I sensed many in the past have run into spiritual authorities and have been injured and wounded.

Then I sensed the Lord saying, "These guard rails were originally meant for your protection. If you had a run in with these past guard rails, you must put that behind you through forgiveness of those in authority who have wronged you in order to travel on My new Highway. You must now forgive to go forward!

"I am also bringing back honor and respect to spiritual and secular authority throughout New England as you pray for all those in authority. There is coming a change in the 'guard' rails as you pray and forgive."

I Saw this Highway Becoming a "Toll" Road—A Price Must be Paid for this Highway to be Built

I saw a tollbooth at the beginning of this Highway. Jesus was inside of this tollbooth. As travelers stopped to go on this toll road, the tollgate wouldn't go up for some reason. Jesus just stood waiting patiently as bewildered travelers looked confused. Outside the tollbooth was a sign that read: "Pay the toll."

Many were saying, "But, Jesus, I thought You paid the full price for us, and even for this highway to be built." Jesus' countenance seemed to speak without Him saying a word.

He said, "Your turn! You must pay the price for this Highway, for this is the only road that can take you where you have never gone before. Are you willing to pay the price? You must count the cost now before you get on it."

When the Enemy is Telling You to Quit, it Means You Already Won!

As churches from New York and throughout New England continued worshiping, in spite of the spiritual coldness and numbness over their region, cold hearts began melting and this huge snowplow kept moving slowly but surely. The highway began to be seen right underneath this "monster" of a snowplow!

To every weary pastor, fainting worship leader and discouraged Believer, keep on plowing on in worship! The enemy may be asking you, What is the use? But you must see from God's point of view that your seemingly insignificant worship is a MONSTER of a snowplow pushing back the powers of darkness over New England! The highway is now appearing! A "New" England is rising!

Bill Yount
Blowing the Shofar Ministries


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