July 11, 2009

God Speaks Prosperity

This word today of prosperity, economic upheaval, uniting under God and the Holy Spirit from Kim Clement ministries is received with rejoicing on my part. Long have I waited to hear what the Lord has to say through the prophets - confirming what I believe in my spirit to be happening. I see the signs of economic recovery from a distance, like a small cloud growing larger and larger over the horizon.

Rejoice, for the Lord is doing a thing, read on and discover what is promised by 2010.

June 27, 2009 - Kim Clement

The Spirit of the Lord says there is a key that has been given to my people. There is a key that has been given to my people. It is the key of David. A dimension of praise is going to enter into the house of God, into the courtyards of the Lord. A new dimension of praise is going to come collectively as the people gather together and proclamations will draw angelic visitations. Proclamations of God’s greatness will cause and draw and invite angelic visitations. Do not say this is not the day of the angel. Do not say that God cannot do it. For God says as you shout I will shout with you, as you sing, I will sing with you. As you rejoice I will rejoice with you. God says I rejoice over you with joy. Do you want me to come amongst you and rejoice with you says the Lord? I will rejoice over you as you rejoice over me.

God says, as you shout tonight, I’m shouting with you. There will only be one voice, one sound, one trumpet, one shout because that’s what they did with Joshua. And when the sound of the one trumpet and the sound of the one shout took place, the walls came down. God wants to bring walls down for you.

I hear the sounds of the demonic strongholds endeavoring to shut them up. You cannot shut us up. Since when did you think that was even possible? You tried to shut up David and he became a greater voice. You tried to get rid of the children of Israel. You tried to get rid of Moses, little bulrushes saved him. Who do you think you are to even endeavor to come and suggest in the presence of God that you will annihilate this race called the holy people? Who are you to say I will annihilate, demonic strongholds, this nation, this holy nation. Ha!

Who are you to say that you have come into the very presence of a peculiar people, a chosen generation? Who are you? God has arisen and his enemies are scattered. On this nation let the enemies that have risen up and held up their swords in glee be brought to shame and nothing says the prophet of the Most Holy God. These are not people that have come dressed in robes and flattering religion garments. These have come with their hands open wide with the sounds of praise.

The Spirit of God says, there are enemies that are being brought down by the sounds of a praise that has not been heard plentiful, in its plenty for it has been stingy. But they are not afraid to behave in a manner that seems uncultured. But when was it that I came, it was when the people of God arose, and the enemies scattered.

Tonight throughout this nation I am sending a Word. Beware of the sound that is about to be born in the earth. It will scatter the tribes of Lucifer. It will scatter the tribes of the demonic strongholds that have endeavored to hold on for dear life hoping that the blood washed people would shut their mouths.

You couldn’t shut Daniel, you couldn’t shut Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. You couldn’t shut David. You couldn’t shut Moses. You couldn’t shut Gideon. You couldn’t shut Ruth. You couldn’t shut Esther. You couldn’t shut Mary. How are you gonna do it now?

The Holy Spirit says through the voice of the prophet tonight: Beware for the sheiks have made their move towards this nation, for those that have disguised themselves in the earlier days of 2000 have endeavored to do the same thing. But God said, believe it or not, my chosen generation, my holy people, because you have stood and you have shouted my praise throughout this nation, let me assure you they shall be exposed again. For they said “under Obama’s power we will be able to infiltrate.” They have said “because of this President, Obama, we will be able to get into the borders and we will be able to infiltrate them.” God said, not so soon, baby, not so soon! Why?

Because God said, I told you long before I was the one that would take over the reigns of the Chief. And God said I will harness the powers of hell and they will be afraid, but they will come and before they can reach their target, God says, in the winter of this year there will be rejoicing again in America, in the Christmas season because of what I will expose. And I will change things so drastically that God said even in the highest places there will be exposure. But I will bring you to a place, America, of great, great victory and even economic upheaval and will change through the summer months and I will give you back what your enemy tried to steal away from you.

Rejoice for this is your day of victory says the Lord!

The Spirit of God said hear before you sit in your seat. For God said the enemies are the scornful of this nation sitting in Senatorial committees and they are deciding things that everyone is afraid of. God said who put them in charge? Since when did somebody die and put them in charge? You say “but they will bring legislation.” God said, who said that? You watch how I will change things in the year 2010. Even your President will bow his knee in a very special way and say “We’ve got to do something. We’ve got ourselves into a mess now. There’s only person that can get us out of it – it’s the Lord God Most High.” And so it shall be!

They say to themselves “Let’s go to the windy city. Maybe we’ll leave New York and L. A. and we’ll go to Chicago.” God said they will be exposed in that place because of the wind that shall blow in a very, very powerful way. The wind shall be a sign and it shall blow across 3 to 4 different states and they shall say “This is the most unusual wind that has ever taken place in the history of our nation.” But God said it is a wind that will be welcoming, the wind of the Holy Spirit that shall come upon this nation. Churches that have died and tried shall come alive, says the Spirit of God. Empty buildings will be filled with rejoicing people. And the warriors of God that have risen that have been down and out, I will bring them back to life says the Lord. I will take you into the White House. I will take you into every house that is controlled and monopolized in this nation and I will fill the houses with great sounds of rejoicing! This is the day when I am unlocking the seals so that you can receive the blessing of God. Get ready for the wind of the Spirit. It shall blow says the Lord!

Let us thank Him for His Word for His Word is yes and amen. Holy Spirit, I pray that you would breathe upon everyone watching all across this nation and the nations of the earth, they are watching the United States of America. “What shall happen to them, shall they go down?” Demons have whispered into the ears of national leaders, statesmen, “we shall take our hands and we shall remove from them the glory that they had.” God said, this is impossible for I have too much of the soil and territory in my hands. There has been a whispering amongst the nations and the statesmen of the earth “the downfall of this nation, shall we see it?”

It shall be a horrific thing that shall transpire. It shall happen even in the sun started shining and blazing, that North Korea shall say “Let us take a chance.” The Spirit of God said but it is too late. For you see, America, you have brought about the possibility of this attack, but I have already formed again the downfall of Kim. It shall not have to be the United States that fights. It shall be inside. They shall remove father and son. And the Spirit of God said, I told you there shall be a united Korea! And let my words go down and be engraved in the hearts of my people.

This nation has suffered enough. And I shall be your defense and take you on a rocket and launch you to the highest place spiritually than you’ve ever been before in the history of every revival, this shall be the greatest ever. I am opening up the heaven over Washington D. C. It has been those that have worked and labored and fought and prayed and they have stood the test of time. I am opening up the heavens over Washington D. C. so that I can pour rain and there will be one transfusion after the other. They shall go from “O Positive” to “JC Positive.” They shall go from “A Negative” to JC Positive.” I shall change their blood. I will cause even the great Senators and leaders of this nation so they shall suddenly come alive. And God said there will be a change within the expression in this country. Get ready for you will have the celebration of a lifetime because God said I’m about to bring you back to you current state and make you debt-free by the year 2010. It shall be the beginning of you being debt-free says the Lord!

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